Our Team

The high level of experience and efficiency of the Wardlaw Appraisal Group staff allows us to be extremely effective and responsive while operating with less overhead.

Wardlaw has experienced and qualified appraisers, division order analysts, technology, and administrative support personnel.  These personnel allow us to efficiently and accurately manage and appraise over 300,000 accounts, 16,000 wells, 14,000 division orders, 9,000 property records.

  1. Peggy Wardlaw, P.E., R.P.A., Owner and CEO
    Peggy Wardlaw is a Texas Registered Professional Engineer and Registered Professional Appraiser. She has a Master's Degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas (one of only two females in the Petroleum Engineering graduate program at the University of Texas). She has over 30 years of experience appraising mineral, industrial, and utility properties. 
  2. Malcolm Wardlaw, P.E., Co-Owner
    Malcolm Wardlaw is a software designer and co-founder of Wardlaw Appraisal Group, L.LC. Malcolm is a Texas Registered Professional Engineer. He has a Master's Degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas and has over 30 years of experience in petroleum reservoir engineering and software design.
  3. Roxanne Yuncker, Division Order Department
    The Division Order Department maintains an up-to-date ownership database unmatched by any firm in the state. Roxanne, with over 40 years of experience in bookkeeping and accounting, has been with the company since the year 2000. Thanks to her extensive knowledge and experience, our company provides precise ownership records to our clients.
  4. Mallory Crain, R.P.A., Utility and Industrial (U&I) Department
    Mallory Crain, R.P.A., Utility and Industrial (U&I) Department
  5. Proctor Sherwin, R.P.A., Mineral Department
    The Mineral Department is tasked with appraising oil & gas wells every year. Proctor is a certified Registered Professional Appraiser and Geologist with an extensive skill set in the appraisals process, data science, finance, and geology. Utilizing powerful analytical tools and thorough research, Proctor's expertise and vision helps us deliver the highest quality appraisals to our clients.
  6. Libby Wardlaw
    Utilities & Industrial Appraiser
  7. Aileen Camarillo
    Utilities & Industrial Appraiser
  8. Martin Villarreal
    Martin is a Registered Professional Appraiser with 30-plus years of experience in the appraisal and tax collection profession. Martin served as Chief Appraiser for both Webb and La Salle counties for 17 years. He served in different capacities in appraisal-related organizations, including President and member of the South Texas Chapter of Appraisal Districts, Trustee of the Texas Association of Appraisal Districts, and member of the Property Tax Administration Advisory Board.
  9. Diana Martinez
    Division Order Specialist
  10. Amanda Castro
    Division Order Analyst
  11. Claire McGinnis
    Utility and Industrial Appraiser
  12. Susan McCormick Warhol
    Utility and Industrial Analyst

Counties Serviced

Services Overview

  • Utilities and Industrial Valuation
  • Minerals Valuation
  • Methods and Assistance Program Compliance

Contact Us

Have a question or not sure where to begin? For your convenience, take a look at our FAQs section.

16601 Blanco Rd, Ste 100
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: (210) 448-2000
Fax: (210) 408-0106
e-mail: Utilities & Industrial;   Minerals